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The new face of Digital Telecare.

The UK's most resilient Touch Screen Telecare Console.

Compliant with EN50134 Standards for Social Alarms.

The InfoNet 4G

InfoNet 4G is an exceptional, resilient Telecare Console which provides the user with a fully compliant and dependable emergency call solution.

Utilising an open protocol architecture the InfoNet opens up the world of digital devices and applications for the user. 


The InfoNet 4G

InfoNet 4G is an exceptional, resilient Telecare Console which provides the user with a fully compliant and dependable emergency call solution.

Utilising an open protocol architecture the InfoNet opens up the world of digital devices and applications for the user. 

InfoNet 4G Breakdown

The Experts of Digital Telecare

© 2023 - Eclipse Nursecall Systems - Website Design by First8

Ensure you are ready for the 2025 Digital Switchover

Partnering through digital change.

The new face of Digital Telecare.

The UK's most resilient Touch Screen Telecare Console.

Compliant with EN50134 Standards for Social Alarms.

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